Awesome Indie Hackers Tools / Indie Dev Tools

We have great news today!

Hello Indie Community!

I come today with great news. But first, let me talk about the GitHub repository, Awesome Indie Hackers Tools.

Just a week after it has been launched, the repository page has had more than 250 unique visitors and 19 stars. That’s a good start!

Several persons asked me to add their tools, while a lot told me it was a good idea to list such tools useful for the community.

Therefore (and because I could list hundreds of tools), I decided to create a dedicated website for this list, that I’ll rebrand as Indie Dev Tools. You can find the website right here.

Indie Dev Tools is free, anyone can add their own tools or even the tools they use for their projects. Any tool already added can be easily claimed by their owners.

Don’t hesitate to take a look at it, it’ll be useful, I’m sure.

Now I want to talk about a few tools in this newsletter:

  • SwiftyLaunch, by Vladislav Smolyanoy, is an app starter-code generator that helps you create and build your iOS app in a just few days.

  • Daito Authenticator, by Daito, is a secure and easy way to share 2FA with your team.

If you want me to highlight your own product in this newsletter, please contact me!

And don’t hesitate to add your tool to the website, claim it, or share the page!
